Pass Japanese Test

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This website is dedicated to helping you pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Whether you need strategies and tips to get a few more reading questions correct or you want to do some speed reviewing with our JLPT lists, gaining a few more points on the exam (getting a few more questions correct) could be the different between passing and failing. No one wants to fail, but being just a few points below the cutoff is the worst. Find out more about this site and the author here.

  • Checkout the resource page for JLPT vocab, kanji, and grammar lists. We also have some study tips and grammar lessons there.
  • The JLPT Playbook explains test taking strategies for each section. This is highly recommended for anyone who wants to pick up a few extra points without any further study. You spend hundreds of hours studying Japanese, so learn some strategies to fully utilize those language skills. There are even specific tips for each question type.

If you have questions, suggestions, find an error, or just want to say hi, contact us by filling out the form. I (Aaron, creator of this site) personally reply to all non-spammy inquiries.

Thanks and Happy Studies!!!